Friday, May 9, 2014

Goodwill goes a long way..

Goodwill goes a long way..
By "The Boss"

(Why attaching your company or brand to a cause or charity can increase your company's profits)

One of the main things we advise our clients to do is to pick a cause or charity (that they believe in) and then attach themselves to it. This strategy facilitates goodwill and positive press for a brand as well as gain new supporters and customers.Today's market place, thanks in part to the explosion of social media is extremely over-saturated. The market place is filled with individuals who are either selling something, offering a service, part of a network marketing company or most of all aspiring entertainers. If you are reading this you just may be one of the fore-mentioned "over saturated many". Therefore you have probably asked yourself how do I stand out?

One of the most tried and true methods is Goodwill Marketing or charitable marketing. Whether you are a musician, actor, comedian or you are a small business volunteering your time, effort and/or money is a great way to promote what you do.

Why does good will marketing work?

Today's society is very "Me" conscious and Ego driven. It is almost impossible to gain support or attention when a good number of your target market are “doing their own thing” at the same time you are. Goodwill Marketing separates you from the pack. (If done correctly of course and with the right publicity)

In addition to staying above the fray. Goodwill Marketing will compel "like-minded" individuals to become supporters and ultimately customers. A good example of this is Credo Mobile. Credo mobile is a telecommunications company that among other things offers cell phone and mobile data services. They are competing against the T-Mobile’s and Verizon’s of the world but is able to find a very loyal and profitable customer base.

How is a small start up Telecommunications Company able to compete against their established and entrenched competition?

The answer: Goodwill Marketing

Credo Mobile has attached itself to "The progressive" movement. Credo mobile gives a portion of their revenue to progressive causes and candidates. With super-packs and campaign donations basically playing the primary role in the United States electoral process, Credo Mobile saw a lane to drive down. Credo Mobile advertised on "progressive talk radio", gave donations for progressive candidates and causes. This lead to people who consider their politics progress or liberal to do business with Credo Mobile. Now this not a "plug" for Credo Mobile's politics but it is an example that if you choose a cause that is popular and attach your brand to that cause you will ultimately gain customers who share an affiliation to that cause.

I would like to offer a word of caution; SINCERITY. Do not choose a cause or charity you do not believe in and or know nothing about because this will backfire on you and your brand. The true activists can always spot a phony and its just not good karma.

Goodwill Marketing is an effective tool that you can pull out of the box. It generates awareness to your brand, will garner you positive media attention and a loyal and engaged customer base. Goodwill marketing is a key strategy that L&B Consultation employs regularly and when used in concert with other marketing and publicity principles it will increase the visibility of your brand and ultimately profits.


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L&B Consultation
: is a full service Multimedia Marketing & Consulting
company focusing on publicity, radio promotion,
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